Who we are

Red Cherry Cafe strives to deliver fresh, healthy, vegan and gluten-free optional Ethiopian food without compromising on taste. We provide an assortment of menu offerings that use a variety of local product ingredients and fresh produce. We utilize specialized cooking techniques to bring the food to life and tantalize the customer’s taste buds with authentic Ethiopian flavours. 

Foods are exclusively eaten using hands, which allow you and your friends to have a wonderful cultural experience. 

The menu is simple, yet creative with many interchangeable and healthy ingredients. Ethiopian cuisine characteristically consists of vegetable and often spicy dishes. This is usually in the form of a thick stew, served atop a sourdough flatbread called Injera, and made out of fermented and gluten-free products known for its high iron and protein levels.

Our Coffee Story

In Ethiopia, coffee is an important part of the culture, and a respected daily event is the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony. Most historians agree that coffee originated in Ethiopia. The frequently told story originates, of a goat breeder who noticed strange behaviour in his flock of goats after they ate Red berries from a certain tree. Taking the berries to a monastery, monks brewed him a tea from it and coffee was developed and refined from the resulting brew, spreading across the region and eventually the world.

A coffee ceremony is a relaxed time when people are able to share stories and feelings and bond with one another or simply sit quietly. Being invited to one is considered to be a sign of friendship or respect. Today, over 12 million people in Ethiopia are involved in the cultivation and picking of coffee, and coffee remains a central part of Ethiopian culture.